Denver Christian Perspectives Examiner: “Chalcedon ministry sets ‘record straight’ about relationship with Doug Phillips”

Shawn Mathis continues his series on Doug Phillips:

On November 20, the vice-president of the Christian organization, Chalcedon Foundation, Martin Selbrede,responded online to an open letter alleging that Chalcedon defended Doug Phillips in spite of known past concerns. Mr. Phillips recently stepped downfrom the ultra-conservative Vision Forum Ministriesbecause of an extra-marital affair. Mr. Selbrede offered evidence against the allegation and concluded:

“Let it no longer be said that Chalcedon sat idly by and squandered its integrity by simply giving Doug Phillips a pass, or looking the other way.”

The evidence included two articles that critiqued various strands of “biblical patriarchy.” Also included was a revelation of a ten-year old secret: Chalcedon gave $5,000 to help defend “against the legal assault Doug Phillips had initiated” against Joe Taylor, of the Mt. Blanco creation museum.


Read more on Chalcedon’s long-term relationship with Doug Phillips.

8 Responses to “Denver Christian Perspectives Examiner: “Chalcedon ministry sets ‘record straight’ about relationship with Doug Phillips””

  1. Chalcedon Foundation Privately Donated Funds to Joe Taylor to Help His Legal Defense Against Doug Phillips | Spiritual Sounding Board Says:

    […] Denver Christian Perspectives Examiner:
    “Chalcedon ministry sets ‘record
    straight’… (

  2. Latoya Says:

    One of Doug’s friends wrote that he lost everything…ministry, money, home while damaging his marriage? Do you know if this is true at all? I know it may be gossip, but just curious. One thing’s for sure, he lost many business allies.

  3. Shawn Mathis Says:

    Latoya, I cannot answer your question having no such facts before me. At this point in the process, I believe we all need to step back to pray for full repentance for those involved and be satisfied with the little knowledge we have. Speculations one way or another are not helpful and can be hurtful.
    Praying for God’s glory through all this.

  4. nowoolovertheeyes Says:

    @latoya: can you post a link where you saw it? I am hearing this is/will be true as well.

  5. Latoya Says:

    I’m going to be completely honest Shawn. No. I have no intention of praying for all involved. Nor will I tritely suggest others to do so. It’s insincere at this point. Doug and his ilk paraded themselves as holy people; as an example of how everyone else ought to live and manage their families. He advertised the supposed correct answers. Whether you believe the Bible or in patriarchy dogma or is irrelevant. In being the living mascot or a morality business and forcing children to do so is dangerous and irresponsible. It would be hard enough, I imaging for non-fame and wealth seeking clergy children to be on display in a small town. I do not believe he stepped down out of “conviction.” He got caught most likely. Public glory, public shame. Some would say it’s “God’s Chastisement,” so why interfere. Not one for sugar coating gloating, I say it’s the simple consequences of his actions. After all, what would happen to a garden variety BCA member who stumbles in some sort of “major sin?”

    As for speculations being hurtful, you might do a little more reading about Doug, here and elsewhere. His former allies and business partners are talking now. He’s talked about so many others. That horse is long out of the barn. Folks naturally and rightfully speculated about the victim’s identity. So we should give the pontiff of “Biblical Manhood” a pass? I won’t, especially if the truth is far uglier than can be imagined. The truth sets us free. The truth about religious leaders or politicians should be sought out. If they want privacy, they shouldn’t plaster themselves all over the internet as role models or authorities.

    The Phillips children will have to get tough if they haven’t. They’re not the first nor will be the last to go through this. They look like fighters, and will probably go far in life. Other than that, my only hope is that everyone will stop relying on Phillips, Brown, pastors, gurus, and other charismatic leaders to tell them how to live. It’s clear that many of these people don’t have their sheep’s best interests on their minds. Thinking for one’s self may be scary, but liberating in the end.

  6. Shawn Mathis Says:


    I think, perhaps, you misread what I wrote. I never said Phillips should get a “pass” (you can read my many articles on the man from Jen’s other posting). I wrote we should pray for “full repentance”. Do you not want him to acknowledge all of the serious sins that are coming out? And then do works meet for repentance? (Acts 26:20). I do. And that means public confession for suing Mr. Taylor, besmirching the name of Christ and His bride (which he has not done as such) and whatever else may or may not have been done.

    I believe we should be cautious about gossip. And, to your credit, you were at least asking for verification.

    But I do agree with the bulk of your sentiment: he is a public figure and was quiet loud. And I will report on the relevant issues for the broader Christian community. And I, too, want people to stop relying on these people. What has happened is that the local pastor is diminished in this movement because the super-stars come in and offer easy answers and simplistic solutions (of course, one should not rely on the local pastor in the worse sense of that word).

    • Latoya Says:

      Ok, Shawn. I see what you mean. Any good person would want full repentance for all. I don’t think we’ve seen it in this scandal, so far, nor am I optimistic that it’s going to happen any time soon. We all make mistakes and most of us are somewhat prideful. He’s crossed so many people of all walks of life. Characters of this type seems to do horrible, unethical things, charm the public and convince them the victim is the real villain. I’ve never seen one truly turn over a new leaf. If you’ve ever read the Art of Seduction by Greene, consider the charismatic. From what I’ve read and seen, he also uses unethical tactics from the 48 Laws of Power, same author.

What do you think?